Balsam of Life
Lava lamp, bottle opener, Turlington's Balsam of Life bottle, pedestal, and shelf

An attempt is made to redeem the power of the lava lamp by bottling its magical fluids as the Balsam of Life. Things get messy.


Computer keys

A readymade portal, allowing magical transport through your personal computer keyboard.

Medicine Cabinet Portal and Potions and Galactic Portal
Refrigerator Magnets, In and Out

Project for Second Bedroom Project Space's Medicine Cabinet
Installation, latex, acrylic, oil on mirror with painting supplies in glass bottles and magnets on refrigerator

An installation for an apartment gallery project space: the medicine cabinet becomes a vehicle for transformation and travel with enchanted potions and a magic portal. Spiral galaxy portals on the refrigerator are held together by magnetic forces.


Temporary Settlement
In Collaboration with Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford
Installation, dimensions variable

The next step after initial discovery and exploration could be said to be temporary settlement -- setting up camp. This installation deals with exploration, both terrestrial and psychedelic, and perhaps proposes an example of that next step.


Potions, Elixirs, and Reagents series
dimensions variable
Glass apothecary and laboratory bottles, acrylic and oil painting supplies

Science and magic, chemistry and alchemy, medicine and fantasy. The materials of painting are bottled as potions, elixirs, antidotes, reagents, and patent-medicines.


Ryan Murray,

Curriculum Vitae | Artist Statement