It is at the edge of the known that science and mysticism function interchangeably, cooperate, share their findings, and mutually influence.  This is a region where the profound and the preposterous cohabitate, swap wardrobes, and are confused for one another.

My work is an anagoge of particular sources:  the pop-narratives of my formative years, the historical and contemporary practice of painting, and the variously scientific, pseudoscientific, and mystical approaches to gathering and generating knowledge about consciousness and the universe.  That is to say, I am making a mystical interpretation of these elements, plumbing them for linkages and insights from the realm of the visible/material/known to the quizzical, questionable, and ever-teasing domain of the unknown.

What is seen as the purely physical, material, mechanical, organic brain manages to yield the decidedly more mysterious properties of consciousness, mind, emotion, and qualia.  It may even be driven into states of euphoria, ecstasy, and transcendence by any number of various intellectual, physical, and/or chemical seeds.  Likewise, the physicality of paint in my work functions as the seat of the transcendent, numinous sphere. 

Just as likely to appear in my work are conceptual nuclei – confounding confluences of previously heterogeneous notions which come together into one.  The eschatology of David Bowie, the Mayans, and Terrence McKenna meet in a video datestamp.  Liberty, Otherness, the elfin, and the hallucinogenic are all present in a painting‘s reference to a certain historical hat, the Phrygian Cap.

I see myself as a cataloguer and hopeful practitioner of both rigorous academic inquiry and deviant epistemic methods.  In the base of my works, I aim to create a kind of pregnant chaos which functions as the spilled entrails of a soothsayer’s sacrifice, out of which both the viewer and I can divine profound and preposterous secrets of the universe.


Ryan Murray